Of course, the biggest questions surrounding CBD at the moment are “What does CBD actually do?”, “How will CBD make me feel?” and “What can CBD help with?”. If you search the internet you are sure to find countless stories from people who swear by CBD to help with all sorts of problems, but is any of it true?
Well, the jury’s out on that. Generally speaking, a lack of medicinal research into CBD and its effects mean that no company selling CBD is legally allowed make any medical claims about it. People report taking it for a wide variety of issues such as trouble sleeping, mental health issues, chronic pain conditions including arthritis, and even to relieve some negative side effects associated with cancer treatment. However, since none of these common claims can be substantiated, you should be wary of any seller claiming that CBD is a “cure” or “treatment” for any condition.
To better understand how CBD may be able to help you, we can look at how it works with your body. Your body already contains some naturally occurring cannabinoids, along with different types of cannabinoid receptors found all over the body, which form the endocannabinoid system. This system is involved in many vital bodily processes such as memory, mood, appetite control, metabolism, stress response, immunity, pain control and sleep. CBD mimics some of these natural cannabinoids in your system, allowing it to bind to cannabinoid receptors and stimulate your endocannabinoid system. Due to the far-reaching influence of this crucial system, CBD is great at boosting your overall wellbeing. And since CBD cannot do any harm, why not try it and discover what it can do for you?